Seedheads, Prints on Aluminium

HD Metal prints

The process involves high pressure and heat. The print is steamed from the transfer sheet onto the aluminium’s special coating, where it is permanently sealed in. The process is called dye sublimation, and it allows for the rendering of exact details and brilliant colours with excellent durability. Since the print is actually burned into the aluminium’s special coating, it is not affected by UV rays, dust, or moisture. This makes the HD Metal Print suitable for outdoor areas and bathrooms. The high gloss finish is reminescent of a print on glass

Direct Prints on Brushed Aluminium

The bright parts of the image are omitted from the print, leaving the brushed aluminium visible for a unique metallic sheen. The print is cured with ultraviolet light, protecting it from light damage, dust particles and moisture and can  be displayed in sheltered outdoor areas or bathroom.

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